Release the Stigma & Embrace your Confidence…

Be “Weight-Less”, Today!

Hello, I’m Amber…

When I was 32 years old & 350lbs, it was agonizing to look in the mirror & consider where my health would be in the next 5 years…

I knew something had to change, but a lifetime of restrictive diets & constantly stepping on the scale had done nothing for my wellbeing OR long term success.  

But this is what going weightless did for me:

  • Dropped 6 dress sizes in less than a year

  • Developed confidence in my appearance & abilities

  • Healed my relationship with food, my body & my family

Now, I’m a Certified Personal Trainer, Mindset Coach & founder of the Weightless weight loss program. It is an honor to help other women find freedom from stigma & freedom from the scale.

Would you like to see if a weightless journey is right for you?

Click the button below and lets chat!  

Let’s Talk...

Straight forward and simple- I’m here to support you. Regardless of whether you use my services, I’m here for you. You can drop me a line anytime if you’re looking for anything from a quick tip, a helpful trick or if you just need a motivational moment.

Pillar Programs

Fitness   |    Nutrition   |    Mindset

Each 8 week Pillar Program will provide you with a crash course on the subject of your choice to either compliment a current fitness program or to kick start your own!  

All-Inclusive Full Support

This 12 week program, combines the lessons, workouts and tools from the 3 Pillar Programs in one package. Here, you will…

  • Receive access to on-demand workout plans designed to burn fat, build muscle and tone loose skin

  • Receive nutritional guidance and learn how to set and track your nutritional content, for life!

  • Receive weekly mindset calls to remove any mental or emotional barriers in your fitness journey

Be “Weight-Less Newsletter:

FREE Fitness and Mindset Tips

Let me support your journey by providing you with thought provoking discussions, at home workouts and mindfulness based activities to help you redefine your journey to prioritize wellness over weight. 
Fill out the info below to subscribe and Be "Weight-Less", today!

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“You already are everything you want to be…”

For more tid-bits and tips, follow me on social!

Or you can email me at:

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